21 September 2023

👋 Hello, my old blog. And hello to you, if you're reading. I don't know if people still read blogs, but I miss my blog if for no other reason than because it helps me immensely to write about my work. So I'm coming back to blog. I'm going to spend the next few posts just catching up on a few things, and then going forward I'll do my best to use this space as an ongoing studio journal again.

Please say hi if you stop by!

More soon…


Carpet Bomberz Inc. said...

Yes, I am here still , subscribed via RSS on Feedly.com. I imagine you're still making art of some sort. So post away! as you have time and energy.

Curt said...

Thank you for a bright spot in a bleak day, this is great news. It helps me to read how others work, regardless of what that work is - the techniques, nuance and mistakes that we might catch from others in the same room.