09 June 2009

Pasting Proofs with New Registration Board


Making color separations with the keyblock and the registration board was easy. I simply cooked up some wheat paste (1 T flour plus 1/3 cup water, heated until thick), lightly brushed paste onto a fresh shina block, placed the block into the registration jig and then used the kento to guide the printed keyblock proof onto the paste-covered surface so it would land in just the right spot. Then I lightly patted the thin paper into full contact with the paste and set it aside to dry.

It looks good to my eye, so I'll trust that I can safely carve these new blocks. The real test of the registration will be once I start printing.


d. moll, l.ac. said...

Bet you are carving these by now! RE: your question on my blog (thanx for visiting BTW) I don't remember the name of it, April got it from here http://www.japanesepaperplace.com
they are very knowledgeable and often buy from small independent paper makers. She said she'll call up, describe the project and get a very good recommendation.

d. moll, l.ac. said...

PS It was thin, but strong and we printed dry.

Annie B said...

Printing dry - very interesting...