01 August 2013

Chapter One: The Curse

Here is a simple two-color print that will serve as the opener for the first chapter of God Is Our Witness. I've been working on this book without a clear overview, but it's become clearer with the completion of this first chapter, titled “The Curse.” That’s a melodramatic title, I know. The prints that make up this chapter have been kind of melodramatic, though. I guess that's because coming out as gay in the 1970s was pretty full of drama. It was a dangerous thing to do. We were subject to ridicule at best and violence at worst, were often fired from jobs, rejected as tenants, kicked out of our families or faith communities, and ‘un-friended’ in real life. There was plenty of drama.

The next chapter is tentatively titled “Counter-Spells” and it will deal with various GLBT organizations and coalitions that moved the gradual and seemingly inexorable march towards acceptance that has occurred in America over the past 40 or so years. This next group of prints will be less figurative, more abstract. I haven’t done a lot of abstract work, so please wish me luck!

~ Annie


Curt said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this plays out. I've enjoyed your work for years -- both the prints and your writing about your thinking as you make them.

This is gonna be good.

mark and jo brody said...

Good luck Anne! I enjoy your work in all it's various manifestations. I am just beginning to do work in Moku Hanga and need a lot of room for big mistakes and navel gazing. Thanks for the inspiration!

Annie B said...

Good luck to you too, Jo! I hope your moku hanga experiments go well.